
What does Kitty Kitty Purr mean? Big Brother 25s Blue Kim finally explains

“Kitty kitty purr.” You’ve probably heard it if you’ve watched this season of Big Brother, and that’s thanks to Blue Kim. Has it become as iconic as Rachel Reilly’s “Floaters, you better grab a life vest,” line during Big Brother 12? No. But is it as memorable? Maybe, but I don’t know if that’s a good thing.

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Regardless, the 25-year-old brand strategist finally explained what her (catchy?) catchphrase means.

Blue placed seventh on Big Brother 25 after she fell victim to a blindside from her former BFF Jagateshwar “Jag” Bains — although he robbed viewers of her genuine reaction to it by telling her minutes before the live show began rolling.

Instead, we got a few “Kitty kitty purrs” before she left to join Cory Wurtenberger and Cameron Hardin in the jury house.

During her exit press rounds following her eviction on October 26, Blue was asked about her cat-fueled mantra. Big Brother 21 houseguest Kat (ironic?) Dunn wanted to know, and she shared the answer when speaking on the Black Bi Reality Podcast.

“Okay, basically ‘Kitty kitty boots down’ is a feeling, it’s a form of expression. Whenever you’re walking down with the cutest, hottest new outfit, ‘Kitty kitty purr.’ Whenever you just became valedictorian for your school, ‘Kitty kitty purr!’ Whenever you do anything slay, then ‘Kitty kitty purr boots down.’ And that’s exactly what it means. If you know, you know. And if you don’t, I’m sorry. You’re just not part of the gang.”

Well, now that you know, you can be a part of Blue’s gang. Who else is a part of it? Likely Blue’s friends and family, and potentially anyone else indoctrinated by her during her time in the limelight.

Blue’s game ended in a not very ‘Kitty kitty purr boots down’ kind of way

Without her knowing, Blue was Jag’s main target for two weeks. The two were extremely close allies at the start of the 100-day battle for $750,000. In week 4, Cameron recognized them as being a tight duo, and he nominated them together. Jag was ultimately evicted over Blue, but Matt secretly used a game-saving advantage — the “Power of Invincibility” — which nullified Jag’s eviction.

After Jag survived the next eviction sitting beside Michael “Red” Utley, the 25-year-old truck company owner never touched the block again. And with Blue drifting closer to her showmance Jared, Jag established stronger game blonds with the likes of Matt Klotz and Bowie Jane Ball.

When Jag won the invincible Head of Household in week 11, he decided it was time to serve Blue her walking papers. He nominated her for eviction alongside Felicia Cannon. But this time, a twist likely saved Blue. Two Power of Veto necklaces were up for grabs, and she won the second one (Jag captured the first), which postponed the inevitable.

Because of the invincible Head of Household twist, Jag was eligible to play for the private suite’s key at the start of week 12 as well. And after snagging the house’s top spot, he nominated Blue alongside America Lopez. He later won the Power of Veto and kept the two women on the block.

For the entire week, Blue believed she was sitting pretty as the pawn, as Jag’s true intention was to eliminate the second half of “Americory.” But that wasn’t the case. Jag was clear with the remaining houseguests that he wanted Blue out, and they obliged.

Blue revealed during her post-eviction interview with host Julie Chen Moonves that Jag finally delivered the news to her right before the live show began airing on CBS Thursday night.

Live feed watchers were hoping Jag wouldn’t say anything to Blue. Big Brother 25 has been filled with unanimous evictions that have left fans begging for a blindside. Instead, Blue had time to dress up in her best attire while America wore sports clothing in anticipation of hanging around for the double eviction.

Luckily, Blue avoided a flopped “Kitty kitty purr” moment by finding out she was heading to Jury ahead of time.

“The house was full of chaos — everybody was going to let me go see Julie Chen in a workout outfit which was disgraceful to me,” Blue said on the podcast. “I think the moments leading up to my eviction the house was full of craziness. But, it was everything that I expected Big Brother to be, I guess.”

Matt, Bowie Jane, Felicia, and Cirie Fields all threw their votes onto Blue, and she left out the front door as the eighth houseguest to fall via an unanimous decision.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-08-12