
Jennifer Love Hewitt is just wearing muumuus at this point


These are some new photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt out shopping yesterday in LA. As you can see, Love has finally forgone even the pretense of wearing something that would show off part of her body – like that hideous sleeve-button Sister Wife dress, or that recent, unflattering tent dress. She’s now just throwing on a muumuu and calling it a day. Take that, haters!

I mean, I get it. She’s gained some weight. It’s not the end of the world, nor is it some kind of situation where Love is deserving of mockery… for her weight. I couldn’t care less about her weight. But I do care that no matter what her weight, Love rarely knows how to properly clothe her pear. This muumuu – in the guise of a long, oversized, long-sleeved sweater-dress – says to me that Love is at the point where she’s over trying to make the pear look cute. It says, “I’ve given up, bitches.”

By the way, regarding Love’s weight gain – last week’s Star Magazine had a bitchy story about it, called “More to Love!” There are references to how Love is “losing the Battle of the Bulge” and how she’s likely gained 20 pounds in less than two months. They even got a doctor to talk about how much weight she’s gained! Ugh. That makes me want to defend her.



Photos courtesy of Fame.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-09-15